Wacom Cintiq 22HD – Pen Sensitivity

Many of you have asked about the pen sensitivity on the Wacom Cintiq 22HD since my last Cintiq video review. Here is a youTube video that I did demonstrating the pen sensitivity. As you’ll see, the Cintiq 22HD has great sensitivity, but it can never replace the control you would have with a pencil or brush. Hope this helps.

Had Enough of Sexy Ladies with Guns?

Here’s my latest painting on the Cintiq. Just a sexy drawing of a lady in high heels with a skimpy outfit and a shotgun–the usual sci-fi nonsense. The background sucks. I haven’t done enough backgrounds and inanimate objects to be any good at it. I don’t know if I ever will because every time I try doing environments, I get bored. So I rather stick with things I like to draw, which are sexy ladies. Why go through torture if it’s about expressing yourself.