High Heels

Painting in Photoshop again. Just a quick paint in the morning. Mostly using the oil brush and seems to work very well, much cleaner result than using a regular brush with opacity fade. Oh well, just trying to learn how to paint the ‘natural’ way in Photoshop. If there is even such a thing. And if I do get there, I will show you everything it took to get there.

Vampirella and Fetal

Couple of new paintings in Photoshop using mostly the oil brush. The one with the cape which I will loosely call Vampirella was an old painting that I started long ago but never finished. I suppose that is one good thing about digital paintings, it can always be revisited. The other female figure which I will call Fetal is just more painting practice on getting the skin colors and forms correct. Hope you guys like it.


This painting is part of a new series that I am doing. It will be similar to my really old paintings, the Asian Mythology series, but more scifi-ish, and hopefully more thought provoking as well. But I don’t expect to make statues out of them like I did with that series. Sculpting is a lot of fun in initial stages, but gets to be a grind towards the later stages.

With enough practice in painting, I am hoping to get my art to a level where I can showcase and get a following in Patreon. Seems like a great crowd-funding (supporting) platform for artist to do what they love. I suppose I need to really improve on my art first. But things are starting to ‘click’ more with each painting.

Emily Rudd Painting with Oil Brush

Latest painting using an oil brush in Photoshop. This is the first time I have used this kind of brush in Photoshop. It definitely feels more like real traditional painting. I really like how this brush allows me to place and push colors around without mudding everything up. Maybe this is the better way of painting, I don’t know. But it definitely seems more “fun.”

This is Emily Rudd if you didn’t recognize her. I didn’t realize that I had use her face in one of my old portrait drawing videos. I was looking for a pretty face to paint and she popped up again in the search. So she must have a pretty face=). Anyhow, for the background I decided to add some colors so that it is not a plain white background again.

Click on the image to see the full resolution. Thanks for visiting and more to come whenever I have more free time and inspiration.

Woman on Lounge Painting

Here is the finished painting from my previous post. I have added a background since I realize I better start learning about placing my subjects into a scene to create somewhat of a narrative. This is something that I have done very little in the past and I guess it is because I do feel intimated by that process. It is a lot easier to just paint a figure without any background, just splash on some design element in the back and call it done. But I think I have been doing myself a disservice by doing that.

So there, from now on, I will push myself to paint in backgrounds to create a narrative.