Now on Patreon

art of wei on patreon

Hi everyone, I have been looking to get something going on Patreon for a long time. This will be a first step and hopefully it will be a self-sustaining endeavor. To gain support from subscribers to create art is any artists’ dream. On my Patreon Page, I will create a bit more risque art that hopefully you will find appealing, and art tutorial videos similar to my youTube videos to share my knowledge but with exclusive content.

Take a peak on my Patreon Page. 

Thanks for being here and I hope I can gain your support on this new journey. Patreon is an additional platform to showcase my art. I will always be on my website, youTube, instagram, or any other platforms in the future where subscription is not required.

Check back soon on my Patreon page as I will be adding much more artworks to it.

Drawing a Pretty Face

Hi there, welcome back and it has been a while since I have drawn a pretty face. Recently I found this photo shot by the photographer Ven-Digo. The model he uses are absolutely gorgeous. So why not try to draw one of his models.

Portrait Drawing Video

For this drawing, I am using a 10B pencil. 10B are pretty much like charcoal pencil. The major difference between the two is that graphite gives off a shine whereas the charcoal is flat on paper.

More Pencil Drawings

Couple of new pencil drawings. Since time is an issue for me, I am experimenting with drawing smaller. Each of these drawings are done within an  8 1/2 x 11 drawing sketch pad. Pencils used are the 2B, 4B, and 6B for the darkest areas. I am also using a stump to smooth out some of the areas since drawing smaller means more of the paper texture are visible.

If these goes well and is something that really motivates me, I am thinking about starting a Patreon account in order to gather support from you guys. But first, I need to find something that motivates me so I can create awesome art pieces.

The first drawing is of the beautiful Peggy Castle. The second one is the Borg Queen from Star Trek, beautiful as well=).

How to Draw and Shade a Muscular Body

Bulging Biceps

When drawn correctly, the human anatomy offers a great finished piece of art that anyone would appreciate. Let me show you step by step on drawing this bicep and torso area using a 4B pencil. Human anatomy always looks complicated at first. But if we break down and visualize the major forms first, then everything becomes clearer. Then once we see it, we can shade it.