Korean Singer Ailee Painting

Ailee Painting (Amy Lee)

Ailee, Amy Lee PaintingHere is a soft airbrush painting of another Korean singer. Her name is Ailee and she can really sing. With so many singers out there today with just a cute face, Ailee is a standout with her great vocals. I didn’t know that until I saw some of her youTube videos. It’s rather refreshing.

Like my other soft airbrushing paintings in Photoshop, this one took about an hour to complete. More to come, thanks, -Wei

Ailee Portrait Painting Video

Gangnam Style Psy Portrait Painting

gangnam style psy painted in Photoshop. Soft airbrushing.When you have almost 1 billion views on a single youTube video, you’ve got something phenomenal. It might be stupid and cheesy, but Korean Pop singer Psy has hit the jackpot with his Gangnam style song. Approaching 1 billion! That just blows my mind. So in a cheap attempt to try to get just a tiny slice of that, I’ve painted Psy! Most likely it will fail, but it’s worth a shot and I need something to paint anyways.

Technique is the same as before, Just more soft airbrushing in Photoshop. Check out the video as well. I’m almost at one millions views right? lol.

Psy Painting Video

Beyonce Portrait Painting

Sexy Beyonce portrait painting in PhotoshopDid another painting using the soft airbrushing technique and this time it’s the singer Beyonce. I’m not a great fan of her music, but she does have a great sexy look.

When I was checking online for photos of Beyonce, most of them had the same old smile, and with quite a lot of make-up. I finally found one where she isn’t doing that default smile. This is how the painting ended up. Total painting time for thie Beyonce painting is under an hour.

Video of Beyonce Portrait Painting

Here is the video of the Beyonce Painting in Photoshop. There’s no narration on this video. It’s just a speed painting video. The process is pretty much the same as my other airbrushing paintings. Thanks for checking it out and hope you like it.