Emily Rudd Painting with Oil Brush

Latest painting using an oil brush in Photoshop. This is the first time I have used this kind of brush in Photoshop. It definitely feels more like real traditional painting. I really like how this brush allows me to place and push colors around without mudding everything up. Maybe this is the better way of painting, I don’t know. But it definitely seems more “fun.”

This is Emily Rudd if you didn’t recognize her. I didn’t realize that I had use her face in one of my old portrait drawing videos. I was looking for a pretty face to paint and she popped up again in the search. So she must have a pretty face=). Anyhow, for the background I decided to add some colors so that it is not a plain white background again.

Click on the image to see the full resolution. Thanks for visiting and more to come whenever I have more free time and inspiration.